New Job
I haven’t updated this site in over a month, due to general life changes.
I got a job after a period of unemployment (largely health related) and it is really kicking my ass. It’s a lot more physical than I expected, and they’ve got me working at 2am. In the morning.
I have exactly one (1) coworker under 40. That’s not something I would normally complain about, but I’m surrounded by boomer stereotypes.
One guy (who is actually one of the more pleasant people on an interpersonal level) has pictures of Reagan up in his work area. Ronald Reagan! Like a little shrine. And more Jesus shit than I’ve ever seen in one place, I mean a truly remarkable amount of christian art, imagery, and messaging. Just. All over his work area. His desk is papered with sticky notes with bible quotes neatly written on them. Honestly I’m a little worried about him.
Anyway, I’m exhausted, and the work environment is.. not bolstering morale. I’m hoping I’ll adjust and feel more chill about it, but we’ll see.
In other news, I read Prince of Thorns (by Mark Lawrence) and liked it way better than I expected. I checked it out from the library mostly out of curiosity. It comes up a lot in lists of good fantasy books, or rogue characters, or antiheroes. It is not a book for everyone. I didn't think it would be a book for me – I like morally good heroes and all that sort of stuff. That said, this was one of the most purely entertaining books I've ever read – I was not bored for a moment.
The main character is a bad guy – not an anti-hero, just a bad guy. But the guys he’s up against are worse, and in positions of a lot more power. Every time he’s up against the odds, I want to see him win; and when he does, it’s satisfying. The book is really tightly paced, and a super quick read.
If you can handle a bit of violence and like fantasy, I’d recommend checking it out. The first chapter isn’t much longer than this post – so you can read it standing in the library or a bookstore – and I think that will give anyone a good idea if they want to keep reading or not. If you read that and you’re intrigued, finish the book; you won’t be dissapointed. Otherwise, you only wasted at most ten minutes.